§AME hut is a nomadic design studio seeking new (and ancient) visual narratives.
is a twin collaboration (Pietro&Carlo Spini) that combine complementary skills and expertises in a multifaceted laboratory:
the Hut.

In the Hut prevail mutual respect, design ethics and rigor in the process, moreover, as a cultural disseminator, the hut is bound by an eco-social responsibility in inputs and outputs.
The hut is a space always open to new collaborations, we look forward to open a channel with you, (see if we are in the same area).

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today we are here︎︎︎

§AME hut

§AME hut

Treno della Memoria

Treno della Memoria (Memory Train) is an educational project that takes Italian high-school students to visit the sites where the Nazi concentration camps were located, to let them experience those dark pages of history that have stained Europe with blood.

For the 16th edition, were commissioned the rebranding of the organization's identity, the webpage and the illustrated system related to the 2021 trip (Books, notebooks, rollups, digital presentation, badges…).

The illustration system aims to express the political character of the project and the ideals that it supports: a Europe without borders, which does not let people die in the Mediterranean and which fights against climate change. The starting point is traveling through historical memory to learn from the past in order not to repeat the same mistakes.

client: trenodellamemoria

Logo rebranding


book cover